Fundraise for heavy rainfall disaster in Kansai, Japan is complete
Thank you very much for your donation to support victims impacted by the heavy rainfall in Kansai area (Western part of Japan). JBSD Foundation raised $11,280.00 in total and completed sending the donations to Japan Red Cross Society. JBSD Foundation would like to thank the entire community for their kindness and generosity. 西日本豪雨被害義援金へのご寄付へのお礼 西日本豪雨被害への義援金は9月28日をもって締め切らせていただきました。 皆様からの温かいご支援のお陰により、合計11,280ドルのご寄付をいただきJBSD基金より日本赤十字社に送金致しました。 ご報告と合わせまして改めてお礼申し上げます。
– Hurricane Harvey Fundraiser is complete –
Our Hurricane Harvey Fundraiser is complete. Thank you very much to everyone who donated to support victims impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. JBSD Foundation raised $19,586.00 total and completed sending the donations to the American Red Cross. JBSD Foundation would like to thank the entire community for their kindness and generosity.